Monday, September 16, 2024

The Age of AI

        The video provided valuable insights into the complex nature of A.I. and how it influences societal perspectives on life. On one hand, it may bring huge value to our lives through solving complex problems and optimizing processes. On the other hand, it poses very serious risks, especially in the fields of social control and surveillance. The discussion emphasized that while A.I. may bring in personalized services and efficiencies, some very pressing concerns regarding privacy have also occurred because mass data collection may lead to identity theft or unauthorized surveillance. As we go further with A.I. usage, we will have to balance the benefits with the harms. 

    Another alarming point in the video was the fact that ungoverned A.I. advances may eventually threaten democracy. The idea of A.I. Is fascinating but also somewhat feared, since unless social norms evolve with the technology, democratic values could be undermined. Second, if 50% of the jobs are going to be threatened through A.I. in the next 15 years, there is even greater urgency for practical strategies that reskill labor and ready them for emerging opportunities in an A.I.-driven economy. This very likely scenario of widespread job displacement intensifies the need for public discussion on ethical A.I. usage. 

    Above all, the analogy that has especially stuck is that of A.I. with the game of Go. Just like the game itself, A.I. is a question of strategy, discipline, and foresight. If treated, A.I. would create harmonious development... if played recklessly, it might spiral into chaos. Clear-sighted navigation of this shifting landscape requires watchfulness, promotion of responsible use, and treasured conversations that conclude what kind of future we want to shape. The stakes are high, and these concerns demand gravity if we are to harness A.I. in the service of the greater good.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Evolution of the Camera

From the foundation of photography to today's revolutionized digital mirrorless camera, a new world of documentation has been born, where communication and artistic expression have advanced across every level of our lives and culture today. 

Courtesy of
Black Creek Pioneer Village
    From Camera Obscura to Early Photography: The earliest ancestor of the camera called the camera obscura, which is a very ancient optical device that was used by both artists and scientists, dated back as far as 400 BCE. The early ancestor was essentially a darkened room or box with a small hole on one side. This allowed light to project an inverted image on the inside.
While this is clearly not a camera as defined by today's technological standards, the Camera Obscura laid the foundation for the development of later image capture tools. Practical photography originated in the early 19th century when French Photographer and Artist Louis Daguerre discovered the daguerreotype in 1839. Having to use heavy chemicals such as mercury and iodine, it was a rather difficult process. 

Original Kodak Camera, circa 1888
Courtesy of the
National Museum of American History
Kodak Revolution: The biggest evolution of photography came a little later on when American Entrepreneur George Eastman introduced the Kodak camera in 1888. His innovation used flexible film instead of  glass plates. His early cameras were pre-loaded with a roll of film that  could take 100 photographs. Once fully used, the camera was returned  back to Kodak for developing and reloading. This user-friendly design  meant that those of limited or no photographic experience could shoot  and freeze moments in history, making what was a professional art  around the world. 

    The Digital Transformation: The most significant transformation that has ever happened throughout the history of photography was the invention of the digital camera. From film to digital imaging, it changed the entire concept of how we capture an image and then distribute it. Developed by Kodak, the Kodak DCS 100 was made available in 1991 as the world's first ever commercial digital camera and thus initiated yet another new age for photography. As we all know, digital cameras use electronic sensors for capturing images, rather than film strips. This technology enables a person to view the captured photograph, edit it with ease, store it efficiently, all in the matter of seconds. When compared to film, it must be developed and processed, which can take days. The advantages of digital technology were soon evident: instant feedback or the convenience of looking at your work, as well as being able to take a countless number of photos without concern for storage, and most importantly, ease of distribution by online media. The 

Revolution of Cameras on Smartphones:
iPhone 15 with a Sony Mirrorless above.
Photo by Jakob Schiller
 In the 21st century, photography went through another monumental transformation with the rise of cameras on smartphones. Smartphones carry high-resolution cameras that have made content and news more widespread because of how much we use these un our everyday lives. High-tech features one might find in a modern smartphone include advanced camera technology featuring multiple lenses, high-definition sensors, and elaborate image processing software. These features enable users to take professional-quality images and videos with a device that you can carry right in your pocket. The influence of smartphone cameras has been further enhanced by social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter). They were bound to become a vital tool for sharing visual content, setting up an image-sharing culture in which a person can tell people everything happening in their daily life. Without a doubt, the art and landscape of communication has been changed forever thanks to the modernization of the camera. Photographs and the instant-sharing of them have now become a piece of personal and professional interactions by telling certain stories and engaging audiences. It has brought new meaning into our life's documentation and our remembrance. From family photos to travel snapshots and all the common moments get preserved in clicks. 

    Challenges and Considerations: With the advantages of digital photography, it also brings a vast number of concerns regarding privacy and the effects of constant image-sharing on mental health. Cameras in public spaces and online create several problems related to surveillance and personal privacy. Also, putting pressure on showing life in a highlighted form on social networking sites affects self-esteem and well-being. From the early camera obscura to today's advanced digital devices, the development of the camera has been nothing less than an insane journey of tech improvements and cultural transition. Digital photography alone has transformed the way we capture, distribute, and relate to images in such an entwined manner within the fabric of our lives. In building and adapting our way ahead in life, the camera will continue to play its authoritative role in documenting our world.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Privacy, Online & Off

These videos reveal many hot topics related to privacy and surveillance in the digital age. The video by Catherine Crump about police surveillance underlines such threats as advanced technologies like mass tracking of location and search history. This technology enables law enforcement to track and follow civilians around widely, which is incredibly questionable in regard to civil liberties and possible abuse. Juan Enriquez speaks of "electronic tattoos," a metaphor for the permanence of our online presence and one that compares such a presence to tattoos, alerting us to be careful with our digital footprints. In this TED Talk, Christopher Soghoian talks about a current struggle between government surveillance and the development of encryption technologies. The tighter the encryption that tech companies use on their servers, the more difficult it is for governments to tap into the private communications. Finally, the video by Darieth Chisolm on revenge porn raises the extreme consequences of online harassment that demand serious enforcement and accountability by online platforms.

    These may be issues that influence deeper into the lives of people, families, and society as a whole. Invasion of privacy leads to loss of independence and personal security. It affects how we relate to the world and to other people. For example, pervasive surveillance may lead to feelings that one is always being observed; it then changes certain aspects of behavior and interaction. Online harassment and the misuse of personal data can cause serious harm, both emotionally and psychologically.

    Government policies should be more restrictive towards technologies of surveillance, so as not to allow such methods to lead to major ethical violations or to provide strong measures for safety. Specific limits regarding data retention should be set, and law enforcers and technology companies should be made fully transparent and responsible. Finally, much is yet to be done in developing laws that protect victims of cybercrimes and further rights to privacy. On a more individual level, we can take several steps to protect our privacy. Using encryption tools for communication, being cautious about sharing personal information online, and regularly reviewing privacy settings on social media platforms can help safeguard our data. We should actively support the process of establishing more stringent privacy laws and also stand by those organizations that lead the struggle for digital rights.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Understanding the Eight Values of Free Expression

Among all the founding mainstays of democratic-lead societies worldwide, free speech allows the sharing of ideas, challenging authorities, and expression of oneself in their true selves without persecution on groundless terms. Free expression benefits society by promoting truth, support for democracy, and tolerance, as highlighted by the Eight Values of Free Expression.

Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of Truth) -
This value discovered by John Milton, indicates that as people share their ideas and opinions, the truth will come to the forefront. For instance, on social media, though you may view many pieces of false information - or in better terms "fake news", correct facts often occur simply due to people discussing what is true and false and correcting each other.

Check on Governmental Power (Watchdog Role) - The value of checking on governmental power is that it keeps the government honest by revealing its mistakes and faults. A good example is news reports investigating and exposing inside corruption or abuses of power. For example, investigative journalism played a role in the uncovering the Watergate scandal under the Administration of Richard Nixon. NPR - Investigative Journalism.
Promote Tolerance - The reasoning behind Promoting Tolerance is to make sure that free speech/even speech that we may find offensive actually enables us to learn to understand and tolerate opposing perspectives. This may sound strange, but the idea is that when we hear different opinions, even unpopular ones, we become more tolerant and understand both sides of the issue.

Individual Self-Fulfillment (Self-Actualization) - free speech proudly lets people express themselves and find their own sense of identity. Major social media platforms like Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) allow people to share their creativity and passions, which then help them connect with others and feel valued among others.

Real-World Connections
All of the eight values mean something very important in our everyday life. For example, one can see the "Marketplace of Ideas" in the way different viewpoints on social media clashing against each other as the truth is made clear through information syrfacing. "Check on Governmental Power" news stories reveal the wrongdoing of governments: "Promote Tolerance" in handling and making sense of different opinions. "Individual Self-Fulfillment" can be identified in how people are expressing theemselves and their community on social media. For instance, Commonwealth Foundation - Self-Expression. Such values define freedom of expression as important because it unravels the truth to people. It also preserves our government and regulates its elected people, helps give tolerance against fellow people, and allows people to develop further. They truly show why protecting free speech is crucial for a vibrant and just society.

The Age of AI

          The video provided valuable insights into the complex nature of A.I. and how it influences societal perspectives on life. On one h...