Sunday, September 1, 2024

Understanding the Eight Values of Free Expression

Among all the founding mainstays of democratic-lead societies worldwide, free speech allows the sharing of ideas, challenging authorities, and expression of oneself in their true selves without persecution on groundless terms. Free expression benefits society by promoting truth, support for democracy, and tolerance, as highlighted by the Eight Values of Free Expression.

Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of Truth) -
This value discovered by John Milton, indicates that as people share their ideas and opinions, the truth will come to the forefront. For instance, on social media, though you may view many pieces of false information - or in better terms "fake news", correct facts often occur simply due to people discussing what is true and false and correcting each other.

Check on Governmental Power (Watchdog Role) - The value of checking on governmental power is that it keeps the government honest by revealing its mistakes and faults. A good example is news reports investigating and exposing inside corruption or abuses of power. For example, investigative journalism played a role in the uncovering the Watergate scandal under the Administration of Richard Nixon. NPR - Investigative Journalism.
Promote Tolerance - The reasoning behind Promoting Tolerance is to make sure that free speech/even speech that we may find offensive actually enables us to learn to understand and tolerate opposing perspectives. This may sound strange, but the idea is that when we hear different opinions, even unpopular ones, we become more tolerant and understand both sides of the issue.

Individual Self-Fulfillment (Self-Actualization) - free speech proudly lets people express themselves and find their own sense of identity. Major social media platforms like Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) allow people to share their creativity and passions, which then help them connect with others and feel valued among others.

Real-World Connections
All of the eight values mean something very important in our everyday life. For example, one can see the "Marketplace of Ideas" in the way different viewpoints on social media clashing against each other as the truth is made clear through information syrfacing. "Check on Governmental Power" news stories reveal the wrongdoing of governments: "Promote Tolerance" in handling and making sense of different opinions. "Individual Self-Fulfillment" can be identified in how people are expressing theemselves and their community on social media. For instance, Commonwealth Foundation - Self-Expression. Such values define freedom of expression as important because it unravels the truth to people. It also preserves our government and regulates its elected people, helps give tolerance against fellow people, and allows people to develop further. They truly show why protecting free speech is crucial for a vibrant and just society.

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