Thursday, September 5, 2024

Privacy, Online & Off

These videos reveal many hot topics related to privacy and surveillance in the digital age. The video by Catherine Crump about police surveillance underlines such threats as advanced technologies like mass tracking of location and search history. This technology enables law enforcement to track and follow civilians around widely, which is incredibly questionable in regard to civil liberties and possible abuse. Juan Enriquez speaks of "electronic tattoos," a metaphor for the permanence of our online presence and one that compares such a presence to tattoos, alerting us to be careful with our digital footprints. In this TED Talk, Christopher Soghoian talks about a current struggle between government surveillance and the development of encryption technologies. The tighter the encryption that tech companies use on their servers, the more difficult it is for governments to tap into the private communications. Finally, the video by Darieth Chisolm on revenge porn raises the extreme consequences of online harassment that demand serious enforcement and accountability by online platforms.

    These may be issues that influence deeper into the lives of people, families, and society as a whole. Invasion of privacy leads to loss of independence and personal security. It affects how we relate to the world and to other people. For example, pervasive surveillance may lead to feelings that one is always being observed; it then changes certain aspects of behavior and interaction. Online harassment and the misuse of personal data can cause serious harm, both emotionally and psychologically.

    Government policies should be more restrictive towards technologies of surveillance, so as not to allow such methods to lead to major ethical violations or to provide strong measures for safety. Specific limits regarding data retention should be set, and law enforcers and technology companies should be made fully transparent and responsible. Finally, much is yet to be done in developing laws that protect victims of cybercrimes and further rights to privacy. On a more individual level, we can take several steps to protect our privacy. Using encryption tools for communication, being cautious about sharing personal information online, and regularly reviewing privacy settings on social media platforms can help safeguard our data. We should actively support the process of establishing more stringent privacy laws and also stand by those organizations that lead the struggle for digital rights.

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